Duplex (Death: a Seed for Life)
By Zaynah Barje
The dead are heroes on earth,
Walking their way, invincible to swords.
The dead walk their way invincible to swords,
Their life: a price for death, wrapped in a sheath.
Life is a price for death, wrapped in a sheath.
Finding its way to the heroes who didn’t dine with men.
Heroes do not dine with men;
The meal of gods is life, spiced with courage.
Life is a meal, spiced with courage;
Warriors have their skin drenched in war.
The land that births peace is drenched in war,
Burying seeds, deceitful to death.
Seeds grow into life, deceitful to death;
Life wears a crown, bequeathed by death.
Author’s Biography
Zaynah Barje is a Poet. She is a graduate of Biological Science from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. She has great passion for writing and _everything_ _Art_ . She currently teaches at Atta’awun Educational Services.